Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon Affordable Art 4186
Jeff Huntly - Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon | Contemporary Art
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Jeff Huntly - "Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon"

"Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon"

Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon
Print, US$ 59

Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon

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W: 445mm x H: 317mm
W: 18" x H: 12"

Approx. Weight: 0.05kg

This work is unframed


US$ 59


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About "Ballantine Transport Riders Wagon"

A very detailed depiction of the beautifully designed Ballantine wagon, used largely by transport riders. Ballantine’s wagon works was situated in Keiskamma Hoek, Eastern Cape. Black Stinkwood was the finest timber for making a wagon because of its strength. The brake blocks, however had to be made from soft wood such as that of Erythrinas and Cabbage trees. Each wagon builder had his own design painted on the wagon and here we see the Ballantine design accurately recorded.
Jeff Huntly had a lengthy correspondence with Wiltse John Ballantine, one of the last wagon makers. The Works closed down in 1967. Jeff gained valuable information from the correspondence about the construction, design and materials used in wagon making. This knowledge is reflected in the historical accuracy of the image. The trees in the background are Illala Palms found in lowveld Southern Africa.
ORIGINAL: Egg-tempera on Gesso Panel.

Jeff Huntly

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View all 7 works by Jeff Huntly

About Jeff

Jeff Huntly was a professional artist and author. His latest book entitled Veld Sketchbook published by Sunbird Publishers, is available from Philippa Huntly and from bookshops.
Jeff's detailed paintings of birds, wildlife and landscape reflect an extensive knowledge and love of the bushveld & nature. His interest in historical subject matter, particularly the era of the early pioneers has resulted in a number of paintings of transport riders, their wagons and trek oxen.
March 2002 Appointed as an Honorary Associate of The Natal Museum
2001: Rotary Vocational Award for raising public awareness of Wildlife and Conservation through the Press.

Price Range

US$ 59-1,804



Since early 1960's numerous one-man shows and joint exhibitions in South Africa and Zimbabwe.


Self taught

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