Black Eagle Black Eagle Affordable Art 19945
Andy MacIntyre - Black Eagle | Animals & Wildlife Art Modern Art
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Andy MacIntyre - "Black Eagle"

"Black Eagle"

Black Eagle
Mixed Media, US$ 84

Black Eagle

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Mixed Media

W: 255mm x H: 355mm
W: 10" x H: 14"

Approx. Weight: 1.4kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 84


Person Thumbnail

About "Black Eagle"

A drawing, then collaged to the final image. The interaction, the partnership between air and bird. The power and grace of the eagle. The freedom of flight.

Andy MacIntyre

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View all 19 works by Andy MacIntyre

About Andy

Andy MacIntyre

Life has given me periods of working as a Design Engineer in industry and periods of working fulltime as a painter.
I see myself as an Emerging Artist embarked on a journey; not yet at a destination.
Growth is part of the equation: personal, creative and technical. Integrity is another component; so is hard work.

My images are intuitive, lyrical, spiritual: about structure, about poetry.

About life.

Apprenticed in studio of George Boys 1973 / 74.
Have taken classes with Lionel Abrams, June te Water, Erik Laubscher.

Price Range

US$ 48-146



1973 Lidchi Gallery, Johannesburg.
1974 / 75 Elizabeth Art Gallery, Jhb.
1983 Ruth Prowse Art School, Cape Town.
1991 Baxter Art Gallery, Cape Town.
2004 / 05 Die Kunshuis, Alberton.

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