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Art Paintings

Lady and Man in Shadow
Lady and Man in Shadow
by Patsi
by Erin-Eloise Marais

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Visit our online gallery to take in a varied selection of art paintings, we have many different styles of art for sale at affordable prices. The work of the artists which we display takes many forms, from art paintings in oils and watercolor to sculptures and photographs. The subject of these art works is also varied, they can range from wildlife pictures to landscapes to the human form.

Well Known Art Paintings

Some of the most famous art paintings ever created include the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, Water Lilies by Claude Monet and Apples And Oranges by Paul Cezanne.

Leonardo Da Vinci was raised by his grandparents in the Italian village of Vinci. He studied art, sculpture and engineering in Florence where he was accepted into the Painters' Guild at the age of 20.

He painted the Mona Lisa in Florence, the subject was the wife of a merchant and she was named Giocando. There were rumours that she did not have an especially happy disposition and that he had to employ musicians to play to her while painting in order to keep her facial expression amiable.

Claude Monet was a French artist from Paris, as a young man he was able to make a living by drawing caricatures. He married a woman named Camille and together they had two sons.

His art was at the forefront of the Impressionist movement, a style of painting where the colours were not blended before they were added to the canvas. Instead small dots or dabs of colour were used which blend with perspective when interpreted by the eye.

The famous Water Lilies piece was painted in his own garden in a property which he owned in Giverny near Paris. He spent the final years of his life painting many different aspects of his water garden.

Paul Cezanne was also a French artist and the son of a wealthy banker. He had exceptional skills when painting pictures of objects in settings or still life pieces.

In his paintings he used three dimensional shapes like cones, spheres and cylinders as the basis for real life objects. In Apples And Oranges, which is one of his most famous paintings, you can see that various elements of the painting are constructed from these shapes.

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