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460 Works

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"Highveld Summer"
View Large Image Mixed Media:  W: 610mm x  H: 457mm x  D: 18mm

Highveld Summer
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 410 SOLD

"Forest Musing"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 500mm x  H: 650mm

Forest Musing
by Michelle McClunan
US$ 455 SOLD

"Arum Lilies with Distant Table Mountain "
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 400mm x  H: 500mm x  D: 27mm

Arum Lilies with Distant Table Mountain
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 301 SOLD

View Large Image Other:  W: 160mm x  H: 160mm x  D: 160mm

by Pienaar van Niekerk
US$ 319 SOLD

"Wellington Vineyards "
View Large Image Oil on Board:  W: 405mm x  H: 305mm x  D: 3mm

Wellington Vineyards
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 284 SOLD

"Solitude of Prayer in the Desert"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 500mm x  H: 1500mm x  D: 100mm

Solitude of Prayer in the Desert
by Sam Savage
US$ 310 SOLD

"Sunny Fields and Rainy Skies"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 220mm x  H: 175mm x  D: 3mm

Sunny Fields and Rainy Skies
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 137 SOLD

"Autumn Reds "
View Large Image Oil:  W: 100mm x  H: 230mm x  D: 1mm

Autumn Reds
by Ronel Potgieter

"The Stillness of Dawn"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 304mm x  H: 304mm x  D: 17mm

The Stillness of Dawn
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 240 SOLD

"Tranquil Seascape"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 600mm x  H: 400mm

Tranquil Seascape
by Mari Mackie

"Red Gazanias"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 610mm x  H: 460mm x  D: 18mm

Red Gazanias
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 874 SOLD

"Footprints in the sand"
View Large Image Mixed Media:  W: 2030mm x  H: 810mm

Footprints in the sand
by Lin Lopes
US$ 228 SOLD

"A Peaceful Morning (Pierneef Style)"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 460mm x  H: 610mm x  D: 18mm

A Peaceful Morning (Pierneef Style)
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 437 SOLD

"A Bright Karoo Morning"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 458mm x  H: 356mm x  D: 17mm

A Bright Karoo Morning
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 355 SOLD

"Abandoned Cottage"
View Large Image Oil on Board:  W: 455mm x  H: 355mm x  D: 3mm

Abandoned Cottage
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 364 SOLD

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