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b/w 35mm film, processed, scanned and printed from digital
W: 594mm x H: 420mm
W: 23" x H: 17"
This work is
US$ 137
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View all 10 works by Klaus Kotze
About Klaus
Images available A2 (standard) or A3
In our empire of ease, where photography has become diluted as it has become democratised I seek flow within the struggle that film affords. Finding the marvelous in the everyday, embraced in natural light, moments of quietude, yet aesthetically dynamic.
All work showcased here is presently on show at Muller's Optometrist and gallery, city centre Cape Town.
These images belong to the part of the exhibition titled Ataraxia, presented with the following quote as rationale:
"The person who believes that something is by nature good or bad is constantly upset; when he does not possess the things that seem to be good, he thinks he is being tormented by things that are by nature bad, and he chases after the things he supposes to be good; then, when he gets these, he falls into still more torments because of irrational and immoderate exultation, and, fearing any change, he does absolutely everything in order not to lose the things that seem to him good. But the person who takes no position as to what is by nature good or bad neither avoids nor pursues intensely. As a result, he achieves ataraxia." (Sextus Empiricus)
Price Range
US$ 137-137
Ataraxia // Encounters, ongoing, until 1 June 2017 at Muller's Optometrist and gallery, 104 Longmarket street, Cape Town
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