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Oil Paintings

70,602 Works    4,131 Artists    362 Galleries

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Browse Through Our Oil Paintings Online

If you are looking to buy original oil paintings then you have come to the right place! We have a great selection of quality oil paintings created by artists from all over the world that are currently for sale at very affordable prices.

Oil painting art works can can be tricky to produce, they are considered to be the most difficult type of paint to work with. However, the results can be worth the effort. Oil painting produces a rich depth of colour that just cannot be achieved with any other medium. Check out the oil paintings produced by our artists to see for yourself.

Some of our most talented artists who display their fine art online at our site will primarily use oil paints as their medium of choice. Many South African artists draw inspiration for their paintings from two main sources, the indigenous tribes and the majestic wildlife of Africa.

If you are browsing through the oil paintings, or any other type of art work, on our site and you see an item you would really like to buy that has already been sold all is not lost. Some of our artists are available for commission work and can create a piece of art for you based on your own individual requirements.

When you are looking for a particular kind of art work you should make use of our advanced search function. You simply state the type of item you are seeking and our website will display the most relevant results from our online art gallery. You could find exactly what you wanted to buy in minutes!

Buying oil paintings through our website is a simple process and we accept all major credit cards as forms of payment. We also offer full insurance on all our deliveries against damage or loss.

So what are you waiting for! Start browsing our paintings gallery now and you may find your dream piece of art today.


Dreamscape "Dreamscape"
Riana van Staden

Acrylic , US$136

Hesperantas "Hesperantas"
Agna Smirnoff-Krige

Oil on Board, US$500

I Man Cipation "I Man Cipation"
Peter Retief

Oil on Canvas, US$736

Young maiden "Young maiden"
Marlene Dickerson

oil on canvas, US$408

Michael Parsons

Oil, US$409


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