Paradox 1The Manticore
Mixed Media,
Paradox 1The Manticore
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Mixed Media
W: 700mm x H: 1400mm x D: 50mm
W: 28" x H: 55" x D: 2"
Approx. Weight: 4kg
This work is
framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)
US$ 822
About "Paradox 1The Manticore"
Discussion of artwork.
The question is, the manticore continued, “are you going to continue to put up with it? We’re gonna burst out of here before they change us into anything else”.
“But how do they do it?” Chamcha asked.
”They describe us,” the other whispered solemnly. “That’s all, they have the power of description and we succumb to the pictures they construct”. -- Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses p. 168
Pliny first referred to the concept of a maniticore in “A History of the World”. A manticore [1] was a made up creature from one’s worst nightmare. In the novel, “Chamcha” [2], the central character, starts turning into a devil. He grows horns and a tail and is eventually committed to a mental asylum, where he meets the manticore.
This painting explores the process by which we begin to comply with other people’s descriptions of us. Not only do we create our own reality and become what we imagine ourselves to be, but we allow others to contribute to that description of ourselves which we then comply with. The notions of self-fulfilling prophesies and labelling are explored here. This painting also reflects the forbidding atmosphere of the impending Spanish war in Goya’s Colossus.
Fantasy, abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters; united with it, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of marvels” -- Francisco de Goya
[1] I have updated the manticore into a cyborg and the rural Spanish town into a modern city. [2] “Chamcha” is a word used by Indians to describe an immigrant who has taken on an inordinate number of characteristics of his adopted culture.
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View all 21 works by Lyn de la Motte
About Lyn
As a shaman, many of my images are expressions of the deep metaphors and images I encounter on my explorations into the other spaces.
Price Range
US$ 107-1,096
B.A. (Fine Arts)
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