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Len Sak

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"Card Trick"
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Card Trick
US$ 450

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Len Sak

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About Len

Len Sak began creating political cartoons for the SA Jewish Frontier (1956 - 1964) at the same time he was working for Bantu World. He also created a weekly cartoon called Saklines for the Sunday times, before going to work for the London newspaper the Observer He is the creator of the famed and very beloved character JOJO which is still remembered by his black readers with great affection. JOJO was the mouth piece of the urban black man. From 1965 to 1976 the JOJO cartoons appeared in the world. After 1976 JOJO began to reflect more political comment. JOJO is a very moral character concerned with smoking, alcohol abuse and drunken driving. He was a sharp critic of South Africa's domestic policy and spoke out against injustice and in support of a new democratic South African society. In 1985 SABC TV 2 featured JOJO in a 52 episode weekly series with a live zulu sound track. Sak also worked for the Zionist record. He created the Kaplans Kupi - a Hebrew speaking baboon, Dov - a fictional Israeli secret service agent. Dov later appeared as Daf l'talmid a weekly story about unusual facts of Jewish interest. In addition to his humorous work, Sak illustrated various books. He particularly enjoys drawing for black readers, finding it a challenge to depict and interact with a culture so different from his own. Though his works were mainly subtle satire he caricatured Dr. Verwoerd with venom, comparing him to Frankenstein. His cartoons use more subtle satire - and his drawing style is more defined

Price Range

US$ 450-450


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