Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
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W: 870mm x H: 590mm x D: 1mm
W: 34" x H: 23" x D:
Approx. Weight: 1kg
This work is
US$ 135
About "Windsor Castle"
The accuracy of these prints is amazing. This picture shows the "Windsor Castle" the last of the well known mail ships sailing from Cape Town at about 16h00 on the 6 th September 1977 thereby ending 120 years of continuous service of the Union Castle Shipping Line between South Africa and England. Information for this picture was referred from old photographs, post cards and a few paintings done at various times of the event..
Unfortunately the size of picture accepted does not allow the fine detail of this picture to be appreciated. All detail including nautical flags, weather conditions ,surrounding tugs ,boats and buildings are correct. to the actual day of the event and one can even count the portholes, hull plates and rust stains. Also note that special care has been taken with depicting the famous mountain as realistically as possible.
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View all 11 works by Roald Arndt
About Roald
I was quite lucky to grow up in the harbour city of Durban along the sub tropical east coast of Southern Africa sharing my out of school times between surfing/fishing/sailing the ocean and enjoying farm life inland where my grandparents lived for many years in the stunningly beautiful Ongeluks Neck Valley along side the Southern Drakensberg Mountains. From my earliest memory I have always been charged by the fantastic energy of nature and the interactions with the living things it drives. From early cave people creating their art long before they could even talk and the discoverers of the whole planet voyaging in great sailing ships they built from wood to the amazing space probes of today that we send out exploring into the unknown black of space. These are the subjects I humbly attempt to capture whenever I have a chance to make pictures in the hope of sharing with others the natural elegance these can radiate into your living spaces. I like to paint in different styles depending on the subjects. I am a very enthusiastic photographer shooting from the hip most of the time. Some of my originals are presently available for sale but for all the paintings and photographs displayed as well as many others I have the rights to offer extremely accurate stabilized Giclée prints on canvass. What’s great is that these, on request can be printed to ANY reasonable size to suit your requirements. They can also be rolled up for safe and convenient posting. I wish to add that I am personally so satisfied with the quality and proved lasting ability of these that I keep prints of sold works in my own home. PLEASE NOTE : Pricing of these prints will be given for the sizes stated, but should you choose any other sizes the cost will be will be in proportion to the relative square area. The prices of originals, where available will be given separately with the actual size and weights. Thanks.
Price Range
US$ 60-2,318
KwaZulu Natal Society of Arts – Durban Pretty Ancient Antiques - Durban Artspace- Durban Royal Natal Yacht Club – Durban Bluff Yacht Club – Durban Watercolour Society of South Africa Upper South Coast Art Association Highway Art Group Dala Artz Gallery Several international on-line sites
Engineering design diploma / Art and history of art at DHS
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