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Art Landscapes

Fields of Red and White
Fields of Red and White
by Renee Swart
by Reg Brandt

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Art landscapes depict the magnificent beauty of splendid valleys, gushing waterfalls, verdant forests and other creations bestowed by divine nature. Some of them recreate the magic of local countryside and imaginary landscapes on the canvas. In fact, you can view the mesmerizing beauty of art landscapes online. To know more about the genesis of art landscapes and its evolution, read further:

What are Art Landscapes?

The evolution of art landscapes is divided into the following phases:

Initial Phase: Art landscape paintings were first created in China. The Chinese representation had minute human figurines, which are believed to be one of the oldest ink paintings. In the first century A.D. Rome, frescoes of landscapes were used to adorn rooms. These frescoes are still preserved at Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Middle Phase: Art landscapes were first included as a background for manuscripts and paintings. In fact, the famous Italian painter Ambrogio Lorenzetti was the first artist to created the art landscape painting around 1335. Till the 17th century, it was primarily dominated by the themes of religion and mythology. Following this, the ‘classical landscape’ started gaining popularity, when it was promoted by the Dutch School and by Flemish painter Rubens. The use of landscape to depict authority over property was first seen in Gainsborough’s Mr and Mrs Andrews(1748), wherein the couple’s portrait was set in the backdrop of the vast land owned by them. Then came the era of Impressionism where notable artists, such as C�zanne treated landscape as a mode to study the structure basic to all natural forms. Vincent van Gogh used it as a medium to express human emotions. Another prominent landscape artist who anticipated Impressionism was J M W Turner.

Final Phase: In the 19th century, art landscape paintings became one of the most popular forms of art work. John Ruskin and Sir Kenneth Clark were prominent art landscape artists in Europe. They believed that appreciating natural landscapes and recreating it on the canvas was a significant part of spirituality. Clark’s analysis revealed that the European form of art landscapes was dominated by four basic themes, painting descriptive natural symbols, inquisitiveness about natural phenomena, pacification of deep-rooted fears about the nature’s wrath and belief in the Golden Age of peace and order. The Hudson River School was one of the pioneer schools of art landscape genre in the US. Art landscape painting by Thomas Cole, founder of the school, reflected the philosophical ideals of European landscape art work. Even explorers and merchants who came to the shores of Atlantic Canada documented their daunting encounters of turbulent seas in the form of art landscape paintings. Hence, artists from different regions contributed in the evolution of art landscapes. Now it has gained the coveted status of one of the most popular genres of art, enchanting curators and collectors worldwide.

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