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You will find the art to be of a very high quality, with a passion and depth that is borne of the rich cultural heritage that is South Africa infused with the trauma of transformation, the love of nature, the optimism of reconciliation - all factors that inform the superb art of the Rainbow Nation. Listen with your heart as these artists tell their story.

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Some of our Artists...

Charl Fourie

Charl Fourie

Charl Fourie graduated from the Technikon Pretoria in 1991, with a National Diploma in Fine ...

Daniel du Preez

Daniel du Preez

I am a paper artist that likes to experiment with all types of paper and ...

Charme Southey

I am a South African artist working in watercolours, acrylic, pastels, oils. Most of my paintings are painted on location and from my own photographs. Charme is well known in Hermanus ...

Riaan Le Roux

Riaan Le Roux

My work is mainly vibrant bright landscapes. I also do commission work and replica work ...

Betsie Roetz

Betsie Roetz

I was born in Windhoek in 1957, grew up in Pretoria, and started my career ...

What our customers say...

We have received the painting from Katherine Wood. I will let you know what it looks like when it is hung . . . The painting is exquisite!

D Berk, South Africa

Featured Work

Nico Eilers

"Marie Sits"

Marie, clearly a woman who has many years of hard physical work behind her, sits unsmiling observing her world. We can see from her body language that Marie’s life has not been easy and she covers her vulnerability with folded, resigned arms. Using black and white only to convey the scene, has added to the drama of the work. It is a forceful and monumental work, representing the power of woman not to bend under hardships that life has pressed upon her.

Visit Nico's Home Page now...