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Contemporary Artists

Tornado Spawn
Tornado Spawn
by Matthew Stubbs
Vic Elford Porsche Rally
Vic Elford Porsche Rally
by Johan Rabe

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Our contemporary artists online gallery has a broad selection of different styles of contemporary art that are currently available to buy. We have over 2,500 pieces in our contemporary artist section ranging from the alcoholic drink paintings by Peter Strobos to human sculptures by Philip Dillon Barrett.

You can search our online art gallery using a number of different criteria to locate your ideal item of contemporary fine art.

Contemporary Art

The term 'contemporary art' describes art which has been produced recently, since the 1970's. Contemporary art has now replaced 'modern art' as the relevant term for art that is currently being produced. Modern art is now used to describe art that was created from the end of the 19th century up until the 1970's. There exact year when these two periods crossed over is a matter of debate. This means that some artists who worked during the 1970's are described as modern artists by some and as contemporary artists by others.

Contemporary art is now the generally accepted term that is used to describe art of a serious nature that is currently being produced. This term covers a wide range of art from the traditional oil and watercolor paintings to digital photography and video.

Some well known contemporary artists include Jean-Michel Basquiat, Francesco Clemente and Tomoko Takahashi.

Jean-Michel Basquiat was born in New York and first became famous through his graffiti art. He went on to become a very successful Neo-expressionist artist during the 1980's. He is widely regarded as a pioneer in the field of contemporary art and some of his paintings have been sold for large sums of money.

Francesco Clemente is an Italian artist hailing from the city of Naples. His art contains elements of both expressionism and surrealism. One of his most famous works of art is the Hanuman Books series which he co-created with Raymond Foye.

Tomoko Takahashi is a Japanese artist, she is originally from Tokyo. Her contemporary art work is generally shown in the form of installation art, she was considered for the Turner Prize in 2000.

If you find a piece of contemporary art that you would like to purchase in our gallery simply add it to your shopping cart and proceed to the checkout. The process is fast and straight forward. We accept all major credit cards as well as solo and switch payments.