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Flower Paintings In Watercolor

The Smoker
The Smoker
by Nombeko Mafenuka
Desert Shadow
Desert Shadow
by Werner van der Walt

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In the art gallery on our website we have a broad range of different types of paintings created using various techniques, this includes flower paintings in watercolor.

Original Flower Paintings In Watercolor

Many of the artists who display their work on our site produce flower paintings in watercolor. Please click on the artist's name on our artists page to view the variety of paintings they currently have that are available to purchase.

There are a number of different techniques that artists can use when they paint using watercolors. An artist can change the overall look of a piece by painting 'wet' or 'dry'.

When painting 'wet' each new colour is added to the previous colours while they are still wet, this allows the colours to merge. This technique is ideal for painters who specialise in landscapes, it allows different aspects of the painting to be blended to give a real sense of perspective. When painting watercolors 'dry' each colour is allowed to dry before the next is applied. This method is used to produce detailed images with sharp features.

Watercolor artists tend to begin by using the lighter colours in their palette and then move on to the darker colours to finish off the painting. This is because watercolor is transparent, it is not possible to cover up darker colours by painting lighter colours on top.

Another technique known as 'laying a wash' is when a colour is applied to the whole painting or a section of a painting to be used as a background. This can then be painted over with other colours or blended.

The rich textures associated with watercolor painting can be achieved through using a variety of different sized brushes and various types of brush stroke. However there are other ways of adding texture. Sponges can be used to apply colours, this method is often used for trees and greenery. Also a dry brush can be used to add texture, without water the individual bristle marks can be seen.

Please contact us to find out anything else you would like to know about our website or the pieces of art we have to offer. If you decide to make a purchase of flower paintings in watercolor or any other type of painting you can rest assured that all our deliveries are fully insured against damage or loss.