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A Guide to Painting Landscapes using Oils

Brandwag, Golden Gate
Brandwag, Golden Gate
by Ewa Mogilnicka
by Johan H Coetzee

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Painting landscapes involves depicting an expanse of natural scenery such as rivers, valleys, forests, mountains, and trees. The medium that a painter chooses for landscape painting determines the technique that can be used to ensure comfort, fluidity and varying degrees of pressure on the canvas.

Painting landscapes is done using different kinds of paints such as oils, water colors and acrylics. For simple and interesting landscape paintings, oil paints are a perfect medium. Note that one of the most important aspects of landscape paintings is the way you arrange the shapes during the composition stage. Getting the shapes arranged correctly at the start is vital. You can make it look as natural as possible by using shadow and contrast effects. Don’t feel you have to squeeze in every little detail because that can over complicate your composition.

Tips to Start Painting Landscapes

Here are some tips to start painting a traditional landscape painting using oil paints:

The best thing about landscape paintings is that natural forms of beauty can be portrayed in various ways with the different use of texture and color. Landscape artists can draw inspiration from all natural beauty they see around them and interpret it in their own unique works of art.