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Seascape Paintings Created With Acrylic Paints

Sunset at the Waterfront (Knysna)
Sunset at the Waterfront (Knysna)
by Bill de Lange
by Cheryl Neave

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Seascape paintings created in acrylic have inspired generations of artists and audiences alike. This is because painting seascapes with acrylics helps recreate the verve and vibrancy of the sea, given the versatility of the medium. No wonder then that the best seascape oil painting continues to be created using acrylic painting techniques.

Acrylic Painting Techniques in Painting Seascapes

Acrylics are the most preferred medium for painting seascapes, given their easy usability, water solubility, quick drying properties and availability in varying viscosities. There is an astonishing variety of effects that can be produced. Acrylics also help impart three-dimensional effects to paintings. The different types of acrylic painting techniques are washes, glazes and textural finishes. Different textures are created in paintings with additives, such as sand and plaster. Contemporary artists use acrylics singly or in combination with watercolor painting techniques to enhance the depth, mood and the atmosphere of paintings so created. Using acrylic paints helps impart the texture and consistency of oil paints to paintings without the long drying times.

Acrylics are able to impart either watercolor (diluted with water) or oil effect (add texture) to the paintings and work well with oil paints as well as watercolors. While oil paints must be applied over the acrylic layer, watercolors must be applied under the acrylic layer. While combining colors, artists must be aware that acrylics turn slightly darker when dry.

Another popular acrylic painting technique is ‘poured’ painting. The technique involves allowing the paint to move across the canvas with gravity, rather than brush or palette knife. Hence, there are no signs of texture or brush marks.

Seascape Paintings Using Glazes

The best abstract paintings can be created with the glaze technique of acrylic painting. This type of seascape oil painting is created with a series of glazes (thin transparent paint layers) in a variety of tones to give depth to the painting and to make it more realistic. Depth is created by partially revealing the underlying layers, achieved by the glazes. Varying tones help in sculpting the wave forms and make the painting more interesting.

The glaze technique of painting seascapes begins with putting the paint on the canvas and then thinning it directly on the canvas using a damp brush. The resulting rundown effect and the uneven spread of the paint add texture and feel to the seascape painting. However, artists must ensure that the last glaze layer is completely dried up before applying the next one. Finally, a layer of white foam is created with cloth dabbing or with a dry coarse brush. The resulting seascape painting is just the perfect piece of art that one could happily gaze at for hours.