Abstract Dancers
Acrylic on Canvas,
Abstract Dancers
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Acrylic on Canvas
W: 500mm x H: 500mm
W: 20" x H: 20"
This work is
US$ 491
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View all 12 works by Glen Josselsohn
About Glen
Glen Josselsohn Contemporary Art Glen Josselsohn is a leading South African Contemporary Artist, who's unique style is a buzz with energy and movement which opens up the imagination, engages the senses and ignites a sense of curiosity within the viewer. Glen's Art is booming and has become the hype of the Art World. Glens Artwork has been recognised locally and internationally, He also exhibits his artwork in Galleries all over the World and participated in the Miami Basel 2013 Glen has painted for very exclusive Hotels, has been featured on many lifestyle television programmes and has had numerous editorials written in exclusive lifestyle and home magazines, as for the content and the style of Glen's art, it's timeless and appeals to all. Glen Josselsohn's signature art offers the perfect solution to complement a modern and chic room.
Price Range
US$ 491-3,817
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