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Ilse Kleyn - Awake | Still Life Modern Art
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Ilse Kleyn - "Awake"


Oil on Board, US$ 547


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Oil on Board
oil on linen blocked on round board

W: 500mm x H: 500mm x D: 45mm
W: 20" x H: 20" x D: 2"

Approx. Weight: 1kg

This work is unframed


US$ 547


Person Thumbnail



About "Awake"

The first time we read of the Almond Blossoms in the Word of God is in Ex 25:31-40.
This is where Father told Moses to make the Tabernacle and all the implements in the Tabernacle exactly as He shows him - as it is in heaven. In this scripture, He tells him how the golden lampstand must be made.
This is the only light inside the Holy place. The lampstand was to be decorated with Almond blossoms.We know that all the implements were a picture of Yeshua. The Lampstand is a picture of Yeshua as the Word - the light to the World.

All the Furniture in the courtyard and holy place were either made of wood, covered by gold or bronze. The Menorah was the only solid gold item - this shows to Yeshua's Divinity, pureness of the Word, and His glory. Psl 119:140" Your Word is very pure (tried and well refined)..." It was made in the shape of Almond branches with blossoms - carrying the fire for light. It consisted of 7 oil lamps (7 - Fullness, Completeness Perfection, 7-fold Spirit of God (Rev 4: 5)) It had 3 branches to the left of the shaft with 3 flower buds and 3 branches to right with each 3 flower buds. The shaft had 4 flower buds, a total of 22 flower buds. Interesting to know is that the Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters - the building blocks of YHVH's Word. Each of these 22 flower buds consisted of a bowl, knobs and flowers. Thus there were 22 x 3 ornaments, total 66. Interesting to know that the Word of God consists of 66 books.

The Almond Tree is the 1st tree to awake in spring and the last tree to shed its leaves - thus the longest tree to stay awake. We also read of the Almond tree in Jer 1: 11-12 " .... Jeremiah, what sees thou? And I said I see a rod of an Almond tree. Then said the Lord unto me, thou hast seen well; for I hasten My Word to perform it." YHVH gives the answer for what an almond stands for. It is a picture of His Word. The Hebrew word for Almond is SHA'KED - from the root word SHA'KAD. This means "to be watchful, to remain watchful, on the lookout and alert at all times". Therefore the Menorah symbolised the Word of YHVH. We also see the Almond blossoms in Aaron's rod. This was a dead piece of wood that blossomed with Almond flowers. In Jesus, we that are dead, are raised up to life by the living Word. Joh 11:25 Jesus said to her, I am the Resurrection and the Life! He who believes in Me, though he die, yet he shall live.

Aaron's rod was also a picture of our authority as priests in God's Kingdom. The Blossoms shows the promise of fruit. Only through His Holy Spirit are we able to bear fruit when we eat His seed - The Word. No other seed can produce Kingdom fruit. We will be known by our fruit.

Psl 1. ..But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law [His precepts and teachings] he [habitually] meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity].

Bester, M.G.H, Prof.,(Ph.D.). Yeshua in the Tabernacle, Module 1, Krugersdorp, South-Africa, 2015. Printed.

Ilse Kleyn

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About Ilse

Ilse Kleyn

After High School Ilse Started a career in the South African Police Force as a Police Artist drawing criminal(ID-Kitt), Stolen goods, designing pamphlets, posters etc. This was the environment where she learned most about portrait studies.
She left the South African Police Service in 2006 and is pursuing her dream to paint full time.
Since then she owned two galleries called Fabrioano and Boomhuis in Stellenbosch. She is currently living in Brackenfell in the Western Cape and can be contacted for commission work and prints. Check out her Facebook page called 'ART OF KLEYN' or her own website -


On request, most of her sold works can be printed on canvas.

Price Range

US$ 96-1,970



National Diploma Police Administration

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