Evening with Frieda Kahlo Evening with Frieda Kahlo Affordable Art 73880
Anna-Mart Serfontein - Evening with Frieda Kahlo | Portrait Art Original Art
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Anna-Mart Serfontein - "Evening with Frieda Kahlo"

"Evening with Frieda Kahlo"

Evening with Frieda Kahlo
Mixed Media, US$ 200

Evening with Frieda Kahlo

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Mixed Media

W: 230mm x H: 650mm
W: 9" x H: 26"

This work is unframed


US$ 200


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About "Evening with Frieda Kahlo"

We had a fashion show at our shop at the "Oude Pastorie" in the Grootbrak area. The theme of the show was Frieda Kahlo and that inspired me to do this expressionistic painting of her.

Anna-Mart Serfontein

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View all 28 works by Anna-Mart Serfontein

About Anna-Mart

Anna-Mart Serfontein

Born and bred in Potgietersrus (Mokopane) 1964. Always wanted to paint everything my eyes saw, the dry grass, the grey rocks. Never had money to study art so the safest way was to become a teacher. After my first husband died and I got remarried I started to paint. My first art teacher was Kathryn van Schalkwyk a well known watercolour artist. From there the Holy Spirit taught me while reading my bible, therefore I think my work are more spiritual...every colour symbolizes something according to Gods word, the "lilies" symbolises..not to worry. My work are all original pictures that flow out of a full heart. I live in Great-Brakriver and am involved at Ons Shoppe at the Oude Pastorie.

Price Range

US$ 67-818



Strydoms yearly South-Cape exhibition


teacher qualification at N.K.P.

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