Eye of the Beholder Eye of the Beholder Affordable Art 29660
Jan Viljoen - Eye of the Beholder | Surrealist Art World Art
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Jan Viljoen - "Eye of the Beholder"

"Eye of the Beholder"

Eye of the Beholder
Mixed Media, US$ 518

Eye of the Beholder

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Mixed Media

W: 360mm x H: 500mm
W: 14" x H: 20"

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 518


Person Thumbnail


Eye of the beholder

About "Eye of the Beholder"

Finally, after more than two years, I have completed what I consider to be my best pen scetch ever. Utmost attention to detail gives impressions from a distance as well as from up close. Enjoy!

Jan Viljoen

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About Jan

Jan Viljoen

Living in the semi-desert area of the Little Karoo in South Africa one cannot help but be inspired on a daily basis.
I sometimes just start drawing a few lines and before long familiar experiences, thoughts and ideas just keep on appearing out of nowhere before being pinned down on paper.

A few realistic works usualy put all back in perspective again, and by varying these I am able to express myself as an artist.

Please enjoy my work and feel free to contact me if you have something specific in mind that I can create for you.

Price Range

US$ 58-518


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