Floral Collage Skins 1 Floral Collage Skins 1 Affordable Art 110058
Nora Lemmon - Floral Collage Skins 1 | Abstract Art World Art
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Nora Lemmon - "Floral Collage Skins 1"

"Floral Collage Skins 1"

Floral Collage Skins 1
Acrylic on Canvas, US$ 123

Floral Collage Skins 1

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Acrylic on Canvas
With acrylic and paper collage

W: 420mm x H: 595mm x D: 1mm
W: 17" x H: 23" x D:

Approx. Weight: 0.1kg

This work is unframed


US$ 123


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About "Floral Collage Skins 1"

Quite recently I began using a new art form that seems to have taken the world by storm referred to as Acrylic Pour or Liquid art. The method is just so much fun and the outcome as unpredictable as the weather. The paint is left to run onto your canvas and you can manipulate the colours by adding various different substances including silicone, dish-washing liquid and various other substances - each day I seem to find another idea to try. Each thickness of your paints reacts differently and the results can be spectacular or disastrous. Because of the liquid form of the acrylic paints there is a tremendous amount of wasted paint. My idea was to harness these liquid puddles of waste and left over already mixed paints and use them to take what is essentially more of a craft and turning it into a work of art. In other words - trying to tame the beast. Many artists use these skins to make jewellery but I have used mine as collage - combining it with paper torn collage.

I have protected the painting with two coats of matt varnish.

Please note that I have tried to portray the painting as close to the original colouring as possible. For some reason my digital camera reflects badly off the tooth of the canvas and it appears to have feint stripes down the painting. If you see this then just zoom in just a tiny bit and it disappears - it is not like this on the original painting.

Nora Lemmon

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About Nora

I have tried many different art forms over the years including pottery, stained-glass, photography and many others. Since retiring from a career as a school librarian I have been privileged to enjoy experimenting with acrylics and various materials and textures and I am always game to try something new or different. My experimenting techniques have lead to some interesting effects but have included the odd disaster that has literally gone up in flames. I have a great love for all of Gods creation but particularly for Africa, its people and wildlife and have tried to interpret this in my personal expression of artwork.

I am a proud wife, mother of 2 & grandmother with 4 delightful grandchildren. I am a Christian, an artist, a seamstress and pattern designer. My hobbies include photography, golf and tennis.

Please note that I have tried to portray the photographs of these painting as close to the original colouring as possible.

Price Range

US$ 45-273


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