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11 Works

"Still Life - Daisies with Fruit"
View Large Image Oil on Board:  W: 575mm x  H: 485mm x  D: 40mm

Still Life - Daisies with Fruit
by Arina Jansen van Vuuren
US$ 308

"Plums in a Bowl"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 610mm x  H: 610mm x  D: 38mm

Plums in a Bowl
by David Moore
US$ 84

View Large Image Acrylic:  W: 900mm x  H: 750mm x  D: 20mm

by Anthony O'Donovan
US$ 454

"Hands Plums"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 450mm x  H: 600mm x  D: 30mm

Hands Plums
by Thea Burger
US$ 163

"The Ginger Jar"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 550mm x  H: 390mm x  D: 20mm

The Ginger Jar
by Karin Rademeyer
US$ 181

"Plums in a Pottery Bowl"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 505mm x  H: 403mm x  D: 18mm

Plums in a Pottery Bowl
by Marie Theron
US$ 181 SOLD

View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 300mm x  H: 300mm x  D: 10mm

by Kathy Kay

"Delft Bowl with Red Plums"
View Large Image Oil:  W: 205mm x  H: 255mm x  D: 3mm

Delft Bowl with Red Plums
by Reinette Visage

"Silver Jug and Plums"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 405mm x  H: 305mm x  D: 15mm

Silver Jug and Plums
by Michele Thomas
US$ 127 SOLD

View Large Image Oil:  W: 800mm x  H: 400mm x  D: 10mm

by Annemarie du Plooy
US$ 172 SOLD

"Still Life - Plums and Prickly Pears"
View Large Image Oil on Board:  W: 633mm x  H: 485mm x  D: 40mm

Still Life - Plums and Prickly Pears
by Arina Jansen van Vuuren
US$ 318 SOLD