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460 Works

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View Large Image Digital:  W: 800mm x  H: 600mm

by Adrian E Reyneke
US$ 124

View Large Image Digital:  W: 800mm x  H: 600mm x  D: 1mm

by Adrian E Reyneke
US$ 124

"Tranquil Waters"
View Large Image Watercolor:  W: 500mm x  H: 390mm x  D: 6mm

Tranquil Waters
by Jennifer van Niekerk
US$ 95

"Early Biker"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 407mm x  H: 305mm x  D: 17mm

Early Biker
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 264

"Mountain Landscape"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 405mm x  H: 307mm x  D: 2mm

Mountain Landscape
by Soleil le Riche
US$ 62

View Large Image Digital:  W: 800mm x  H: 600mm x  D: 1mm

by Adrian E Reyneke
US$ 124

"Bushveld Scene with Kudu"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 765mm x  H: 610mm x  D: 18mm

Bushveld Scene with Kudu
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 687

"On Eagles' Wings"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 460mm x  H: 610mm x  D: 18mm

On Eagles' Wings
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 357

"The Lilies of the Veld"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 403mm x  H: 403mm x  D: 17mm

The Lilies of the Veld
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 275

"Woodcutter Resting"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 355mm x  H: 455mm x  D: 3mm

Woodcutter Resting
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 192

View Large Image Digital:  W: 800mm x  H: 600mm x  D: 1mm

by Adrian E Reyneke
US$ 124

"Meditating the Dance"
View Large Image Oil:  W: 400mm x  H: 300mm x  D: 40mm

Meditating the Dance
by Ronel Potgieter
US$ 165

"Lone Bull Quenching its Thirst"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 508mm x  H: 406mm x  D: 18mm

Lone Bull Quenching its Thirst
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 330

"Lowveld Scene with Bushwillow"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 457mm x  H: 358mm x  D: 18mm

Lowveld Scene with Bushwillow
by Hannes van der Walt
US$ 302

"Unusual Perceptions"
View Large Image Digital:  W: 800mm x  H: 600mm x  D: 1mm

Unusual Perceptions
by Adrian E Reyneke
US$ 124

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