Horse 3 Piece Horse 3 Piece Affordable Art 90138
Ramona J Butler - Horse 3 Piece | Animals & Wildlife Art Art Painting
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Ramona J Butler - "Horse 3 Piece"

"Horse 3 Piece"

Horse 3 Piece
Acrylic on Canvas, US$ 83

Horse 3 Piece

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Acrylic on Canvas

W: 620mm x H: 400mm x D: 44mm
W: 24" x H: 16" x D: 2"

Approx. Weight: 1.5kg

This work is unframed




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Horse3 RJB002

About "Horse 3 Piece"

Horses have always been running wild in my heart, if I could paint just one thing forever,horses it would be. They are ellegant, majestic and royal, most beautiful creatures.

Ramona J Butler

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View all 8 works by Ramona J Butler

About Ramona

Ramona J Butler

My art is a culmination of dreams and challenges colliding head on like two alpha lions in the bush vying for territorial dominance. It is a celebration of the opulence Africa has been blessed with, from the rugged and spirited African plains to the beauty and might of the oceans that lap the shorelines. And whether tackling one of Africa's most ferocious predators or capturing the sheer power of a crashing wave or a gentle butterfly, the honour of being able to thank our Creator through art for blessing us with such diversity and splendour and colourful richness, is the most rewarding of all.

Price Range

US$ 66-346



Permanent Exhibition: ART CX Gallery (Co-owner)
c/o Gray & Rawson Str
Log-Inn Hotel Building
Private Solo Exhibitions
Kirkwood Wildlife Festival Eastern Cape
KKNK KleinKaroo National Arts Festival

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