Leopard Lying in the Shade Leopard Lying in the Shade Affordable Art 30827
Jenny Plunkett - Leopard Lying in the Shade | Animals & Wildlife Art Original Art
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Jenny Plunkett - "Leopard Lying in the Shade"

"Leopard Lying in the Shade"

Leopard Lying in the Shade
Acrylic, US$ 913

Leopard Lying in the Shade

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W: 914mm x H: 610mm x D: 3mm
W: 36" x H: 24" x D:

Approx. Weight: 1.4kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 913


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About "Leopard Lying in the Shade"

This superb leopard was lying, panting, on the luminous grass. The light was perfect though it was at noon and I tried to capture the cool of the shade and the heat of the day. The bright green spring grass still has some old dry stalks indicating the change of seasons.

Jenny Plunkett

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View all 12 works by Jenny Plunkett

About Jenny

Jenny Plunkett has become a dedicated conservationist and wildlife artist, with a creative, naturalist father and grandfather, nurtured on the small family farm in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. She now lives in South Africa and since 1980 has enjoyed many safaris with the family into the wilds of southern and central Africa where she has built up a library of sketches and photographs of landscapes, trees and animals and has a collection of shells, butterflies and grasses.

She attended the Natal Technikon, an Art College in Durban, South Africa, where she completed a 3 year course in art and design. Her love of painting led her into a lifetime of various types of illustration for retail, advertising, books and magazines and was a useful tool for illustrative perspectives later, in her successful interior design business.

Her passion has been painting wildlife since 1998, completing many commissions for ceramic plates, canvasses and wall murals. She has developed a love for the acrylic medium, intending for the style of the final artwork to remain [0x1]a painting[0x1] not a photograph, still showing the textures of fur and horn.

Jenny has artwork in various mediums all over the world and will undertake commissions with a suitable waiting period.

Thank you to the individuals and galleries who have supported her passion over the past years.

Price Range

US$ 274-913



National Diploma in Design at Natal Technikon, S.A.

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