Little Girl C
Little Girl C
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W: 460mm x H: 610mm
W: 18" x H: 24"
This work is
US$ 319
About "Little Girl C"
Little girl in Swellendam's township Railton (nearly finished)
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About Maggy
Born in Antwerp, Belgium, on the 9th of December 1950, Maggy loved to draw from her early youth. At the age of 12, she moved, with her family, to Germany, where she became acquainted with an elderly lady who painted portraits in oils. She had a major influence on Maggy teaching her how to paint in oil, and make copies of traditional artists.
Four years later Maggy returned to Antwerp to attend Higher Art Studies in Saint-Maria. After this, she studied: ceramics, graphics, fashion design, publicity, oil painting, packaging, layout, posters, etc. She worked for an advertising company but found the economic priorities and competition had little to do with real Art.
So she continued her studies at the Schoten Art Academy, with Rik Bettens and Herman Cornelis, she worked on expressing form with live models, animals and still life, in watercolours, gouache, oil paint, pencil or charcoal. Her studio was in the loft of the family mansion.
In 1974 Maggy married Carlo Schots and from then on she accompanied her husband on his business trips to Sweden. While he was working she would draw the ancient city, its buildings and monuments in crosshatching, Chinese ink. They had 3 sons, from 1975-1979 and Maggy did not paint for a while.
In 1991 she joined the "Atelier Van Nispen" in Antwerp, which was founded by Jos Hendrickx and continued after his death, in 1965, by Jacky Van de Kerkhove. The focus was on portraits and models.
Maggy then joined the "Atelier De Vergeten Kunstenaar" (The Forgotten Artist) in Boechout, near Antwerp, with Bernadette Melens. The aim was to become one with nature and the subject, to paint from the heart, not as a spectator. She worked in Boechout for 1 year in clay sculpture and 3 years in watercolours.
Maggy joined "Het Atelier" in the Lazarus Gallery in Rumst near Antwerp led by Jeanine Van Durme. Here she experimented with new techniques in watercolours till 1999.
Maggy Lismont loves to paint outdoors because this increases her contact with people. She has a great need to be creative in painting and drawing. In her work, you will find love, beauty and sadness with an eye for the smallest detail. The focus of her work is to portray all these feelings joyfully.
In 2000 Maggy moved to South Africa with her husband for business. They have settled in Swellendam and she is excited to include the African experience in her work. She wants to share her knowledge with others and teaches and paints now in the Morgenzon project in Swellendam. She loves to work on themes from the local township, to approach the people, to draw them from different angles and to encounter the real soul of beauty in poverty and the numerous contrasts in South Africa.
Price Range
US$ 40-1,069
• Group Exhibition Schoten • Participation in Campo Gallery in Antwerp • Atelier "The Forgotten Artist" in Boechout (Antwerp) • Exhibition in the Little Gallery in Berchem (Antwerp) • Atelier "Het Atelier", Gallery Lazarus in Rumst (Antwerp) • Exhibition in own studio in Edegem (Antwerp) • Exhibition Wielewaal in Lier (Antwerp) • Exhibition "From Missemburg to Swellendam" in the Missemburg castle in Edegem (October 1999) • Group exhibition with local artists in Swellendam, Drostdy Museum 2000 • International Exhibition "Salon de l'aquarelle de Belgique 2001", Namur, 2 selections • Group exhibition Drostdy Museum Swellendam 2001 • Group exhibition Drostdy Museum Swellendam 2002, theme traditional Khoisan wedding watercolours and sketches • She loves to work on themes from the local township, to approach the people, to draw them from different angles, and to encounter the real soul of beauty in poverty and the numerous contrasts in South Africa.
Saint-Maria Antwerp: Secondary art School
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