Oil on Canvas,
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Oil on Canvas
W: 1000mm x H: 700mm
W: 39" x H: 28"
This work is
US$ 164
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View all 39 works by Marina Herbst
About Marina
Since I was a little child I always sketched and draw. In 2002 we moved to Johannesburg I decided to attend informal art classes. My teacher was a realistic artist and I enjoyed her art classes, but soon I realized that I would prefer to develop my own style. I wanted to use more relaxed brush strokes and is still growing and improving this technique.
The motivation for my themes is from a book by Andr[0xC3A9] P Brink [0x1] [0x1]Wonderwerke het soos optelgoed rondgel[0xC3AA][0x1]. When I read his work, I was convinced that he wrote this, especially for me - miracles were scattered all over the planet. It was these miracles that I wanted to paint. It does not matter whether animals, people, landscapes, flowers, or anything else, it touches my soul.
Thanks to the support of my family and friends I developed self convidence and started to exhibit. I was selected as one of 50 national finalists in the Allette Wessels Kunskamer exhibition. To further develop, I attended a course with Dale Elliot in Villiersdorp.
Since we[0x1]ve moved to Cape Town I am more inspired by the beatiful landscape and the wonderful people. I would like to consentrate more on landsacape and portrit paintings in the future. I am blessed by the amount of commisions and interest in my art works that I received this past year.
The mediums that I work with, are mainly oils, but I also do some works in charcoal and pencil. If I need to choose a preference in the medium it will definitely be oil. Because there is so much movement with oils, it almost feels like I am molding on a flat sheet of clay.
Price Range
US$ 62-186
Since I started exhibiting, my paintings were exhibited at: • Innibos Arts Festival in Nelspruit during 2005 & 2006 • Artists under the sun" from 27 - 28 Augustus 2005 • Parkhurst Autumn, Spring and Christmas markets in 2005 & 2006 • De la Rey Christmas market from 22 - 23 October 2005 • Alet Wessels Kunskamer Initiative from 3 -19 November 2005 • Café Arté from 20 February - 8 March 2006 • University of Johannesburg in 2006 • Absolute Art Durbanville in 2007 • Stellenbosch Christmas market 2007 • Solo exhibition Melkbosstrand 2008 • Group exhibition with Absolute Art Tygervalley 2008 • Group exhibition at AGS Kruis Durbanville 2008 • Gallerie D'Art in Riebeeck Kasteel • Rosendal Gallery in Durbanville • Craft Picture Framers in Claremont
NHD in Horticulture
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