Time will tell Time will tell Affordable Art 62385
Neville St.Clair - Time will tell | Portrait Art Original Art
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Neville St.Clair - "Time will tell"

"Time will tell"

Time will tell
Oil on Canvas, US$ 410

Time will tell

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Oil on Canvas

W: 765mm x H: 615mm x D: 20mm
W: 30" x H: 24" x D: 1"

Approx. Weight: 0.3kg

This work is unframed


US$ 410 SOLD


Person Thumbnail


Portrait of woman

About "Time will tell"

Three most important women in my life in my life inspired me. My late grand-ma, who in the harsh days of South Africa, explored many impossible avenues to put food on the table for her family.She had several blankets like this one, cause no-matter the weather she will be out there trying to make ends meet,as many women her age still do today.Secondly my mother, who has been the only one who believed in me and supported me in all my attempts, and taught me so much in life.She has been the trail blazer in many occassions,generally and within the family.Last but not least,my wife who has mothered four beautiful children for me.'Time will tell' was named by Mr John Edward Goliath, who observed this particular woman as a hard-working woman,who would go out there day in an day out to fend for her family, but always wondering about the reward at then of the day; will her children make her proud one day; will they never give up and learn so much from her actions and love;will this country be united as most of us have always dreamt;and most of all, will we all prosper and be blessed with all we desire; but only 'Time will Tell'.

Neville St.Clair

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About Neville

Neville Siyabulela St.Clair
I'm a self-taught artist and inspired by people and life. I am a proud South African who sees beauty in everything around me, especially hardship, as I am from a disadvantaged community.
I have been designing and making beautiful garments as a fashion designer for more than a decade and always knew there is an avenue in the art world where I can find peace of mind and help people see the beauty I see around me.
Painting brings calmness and closer to my family, more than other skills I have explored, and I feel this is where i really need to be.
I hope to be a famous artist and prove that you can make a living in paintings while you are still alive, not dead like most people say. I do wish to teach youngsters about painting, as I have already started with my two boys 6yrs and 9 years old.

Price Range

US$ 228-501



I exhibit my work at Bonani bed and breakfast and now planning on finding more accommodation areas to hang my work. I am planning, with other submerging artists to have a few exhibitions in the year 2011. I've been in the painting industry for a minute already, but will make waves with selected artists that are still underground, I'm sure from 2011 onwards, watch this space!!!!



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