Velvet and Pearls Velvet and Pearls Affordable Art 100132
Rene du Toit - Velvet and Pearls | Contemporary Art
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Rene du Toit - "Velvet and Pearls"

"Velvet and Pearls"

Velvet and Pearls
Oil on Board, US$ 773

Velvet and Pearls

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Oil on Board
oil and acrylic on canvas panel

W: 470mm x H: 755mm x D: 5mm
W: 19" x H: 30" x D:

Approx. Weight: 1kg

This work is unframed


US$ 773


Person Thumbnail

About "Velvet and Pearls"

Exploring contrasts; of black and white, soft and hard, innocence against artfulness and corruption. The na[0xC3AF]ve and trusting vs disillusionment and even evil? The vulnerable open to nurture or harm... A childs pure, limitless soul/life/future lies in the hands of its protectors ...or abusers.

Rene du Toit

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View all 35 works by Rene du Toit

About Rene

Rene du Toit

Born and still living in South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal. Matriculated High School in 1991, then Studied Clothing Design and Fine Arts at Technikon Natal, in Durban. Apprenticed at Michael Guassardo Pottery, a small studio on the South Coast for a year. Worked and traveled in England and Europe for a couple of years. I loved art from a young age, and just kept on honing my skills. I especially love painting people/portraits...
Some of my favorite artists are; Tertia du Toit, Nina vd Westhuizen, Neil Rodger, Kerry Evans, James Mooney, Helena Hugo, Deborah Poynton, Zerk de Villiers, Seth Garland, Gail Potocki & Sheridan Duffy...

Price Range

US$ 62-773



2013 SPI National Portrait Award top 40 touring exhibition.
2015 'Not a portrait' Sanlam portrait award 2013 top 40 exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Gallery, Durbanville.


Nat. diploma; Clothing design -Technikon Natal

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