Vintage Nude Vintage Nude Affordable Art 57052
Tanya Swiegers Loots - Vintage Nude | Nudes World Art
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Tanya Swiegers Loots - "Vintage Nude"

"Vintage Nude"

Vintage Nude
Oil on Board, US$ 637

Vintage Nude

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Oil on Board

W: 250mm x H: 350mm x D: 35mm
W: 10" x H: 14" x D: 1"

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 637 SOLD


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Kismet Kamel Gallery closed

Tanya Swiegers Loots

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About Tanya

Tanya Swiegers Loots

Self taught artist, Tanya Swiegers gets her inspiration from the old Flemish masters. She adapted the Flemish technique (glazing) to create exquisite artworks by applying layer upon layer of oils with a very fine brush. Although this time consuming process slows down production, the end result is one that amazes and pleases the most discerning eye. The mood created by her masterful use of light and shade takes the viewer into a journey of times forgotten. Her work does not necessarily have a deeper meaning or message, but aims to stir deeper emotions in the viewer. Tanya's beautiful paintings of still life's,dancers and nudes are high in demand with the art collector of classical works.

Francois Malherbe Bordeaux Street Gallery - Franshhoek

Ek streef om deur my werk ‘n estetiese gestalte aan alledaagse voorwerpe te gee. My werk poog om ‘n stilte en kalmte by die kyker te ontlok.

My onderwerpe ( figure en stillewes ) stel ek deur middel van dramatiese "chiascarro" (spel ) of meestal kontrasterende kleurgebruik sensitief voor, sonder ‘n ekspresiewe aanslag, om dit ‘n objektiewe kyk-ervaring te maak.

My tegniek berus op fyn kwashale en die aanwending van lae kleure om 'n bepaalde effek te verkry. In die meeste gevalle maak ek van ‘n beperkte palet gebruik om atmosfeer te skep.

My kunswerke bevat nie noodwendig ‘n dieper betekenis of boodskap nie maar het eerder die ontlokking van ‘n emosionele gevoel by die kyker ten doel.

Tanya is op 8 Desember 1972 in Kokstad gebore en matrikuleer in 1991 aan die Hoërskool Montana op Worcester.

Sy neem kuns as skoolvak by die Kunssentrum Hugo Naude vanaf 1989 tot 1991 waar sy in skilderkuns spesialiseer.

Sy beoefen haar skilderkuns in haar vrye tyd tot Februarie 2001 waarna sy haar voltyds toespits op veral teken en skilderkuns. Haar temas sluit figure en stillewes in 'n realistiese styl in.

Tanya woon tans saam met haar man, Francois Loots en drie kinders op Worcester.


Price Range

US$ 319-637


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