white daisies in blue vase white daisies in blue vase Affordable Art 66522
Rita van Wetten - white daisies in blue vase | Still Life Modern Art
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Rita van Wetten - "white daisies in blue vase"

"white daisies in blue vase"

white daisies in blue vase
Oil on Canvas, US$ 106

white daisies in blue vase

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Oil on Canvas

W: 300mm x H: 250mm x D: 40mm
W: 12" x H: 10" x D: 2"

Approx. Weight: 0.3kg

This work is unframed


US$ 106


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About "white daisies in blue vase"

i love flowers, i love blues and greens and especially white.
this little painting was painted with so much love and i used very thick paint when i did the flowers and they stand out ever so nicely.

Rita van Wetten

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View all 11 works by Rita van Wetten

About Rita

After doing various forms of art ie pottery, sculpting, weaving and spinning etc I turned to painting in the mid 90's.I attended lessons with various artists over the years. Impressionists like Vincent van Gogh, Monet, Gregoire Boonzaaier inspire me.I am very outgoing by nature.I love life and vibrant colours, which I reflect in my work.To God I give all the glory!

Price Range

US$ 93-488



Various exhibitions in Johannesburg and Kwazulu-Natal.

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