African Lady in Red 2 African Lady in Red 2 Affordable Art 52634
Jennifer Lubbe - African Lady in Red 2 | Traditional Art Art Painting
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Jennifer Lubbe - "African Lady in Red 2"

"African Lady in Red 2"

African Lady in Red 2
Oil on Canvas, US$ 319

African Lady in Red 2

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Oil on Canvas

W: 470mm x H: 870mm x D: 30mm
W: 19" x H: 34" x D: 1"

Approx. Weight: 4kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 319


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Jennifer Lubbe

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About Jennifer

Jennifer Lubbe

I have, since very young, had a keen interest in art. My only regret is that I did not have the oppotunity to pursue this until I retired. I have been a student with Betzy Geldenhuys for the last 2 years who has taught me many different techniques and helped me grow in the wonderful art of painting which has become my passion in life.

Price Range

US$ 164-547


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