Anthuriums and African Pot Anthuriums and African Pot Affordable Art 99377
Jannie van Heerden - Anthuriums and African Pot | Still Life Art Painting
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Jannie van Heerden - "Anthuriums and African Pot"

"Anthuriums and African Pot"

Anthuriums and African Pot
Oil on Canvas, US$ 545

Anthuriums and African Pot

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Oil on Canvas
vibrant colour

W: 660mm x H: 660mm x D: 2mm
W: 26" x H: 26" x D:

Approx. Weight: 1kg

This work is unframed


US$ 545


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Jannie van Heerden

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View all 16 works by Jannie van Heerden

About Jannie

The rugged African landscape is my inspiration, specifically The Karoo and Northern KZN, Msinga. I see the lanscape as metaphors of life and death, and frequently include historical figures that played an important part in the development of SA such as Olive Schreiner and Helen Martins of the Owl House. I use vibrant expressive colours and forms in an attempt to
create an AFRICANESS in my work. I have worked extensively amongst the rural craftspersons of KZN, and am considered as a world autority on Zulu Basketry and published the book Zulu Basketry a few years ago
I have works in the following collections: Durban Art Gallery, Univ Of KZN, Durban Univ of Technology, Carnegie Gallery, Eshowe Gallery, Vukani Museum and in private collections locally and in the USA. In 1992 i won first prize in the Natal Arts Trust competition

Price Range

US$ 182-909



1973 SA Assoc of Arts Cape Town
1976 Fort Hare Art gallery
1985,2014, KZNA Gallery
2013 Artisan Gallery, Durban
2016 Artspace Gallery, Durban
2010,2012 African Art Centre , Durban


MAFA and DIP in Art Education, Rhodes University

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