Birds Online 1 Birds Online 1 Affordable Art 59811
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Lorraine Goss-Ross - "Birds Online 1"

"Birds Online 1"

Birds Online 1
Oil on Canvas, US$ 164

Birds Online 1

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Oil on Canvas

W: 550mm x H: 450mm x D: 12mm
W: 22" x H: 18" x D:

Approx. Weight: 0.6kg

This work is unframed


US$ 164


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About "Birds Online 1"

While travelling in the Springbok area of the West Coast we loved the variety of nests on the telephone poles. It was a cold grey day but these were such a pleasure seeing and recording!

Lorraine Goss-Ross

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View all 41 works by Lorraine Goss-Ross

About Lorraine

Lorraine Goss-Ross

Lorraine Goss-Ross was a potter for many years before deciding to enrol as a mature student studying Fine Art at the then Natal Technikon.

She was awarded Best Drawing Student and a Certificate Of Merit (Ceramics) in third year. For her National Higher Dip, she concentrated on large format mixed media works on canvas.

She was President of The Upper South Coast Art Association for 2005.

She enjoyed teaching art to the senior classes at the local high school and runs painting and drawing workshops and lessons from her Umkomaas studio/gallery.

Lorraine says she just loves to work with paint and if a scene or object says -Paint Me- she usually obeys! She tackles her paintings with passion and loves vibrant colour.

Price Range

US$ 145-409



Lorraine has mounted solo exhibitions and taken part in various local group exhibitions. She also had a work accepted for the 1996 Natal biennale.


Nat Higher Dip (Fine Art) - DBN Instit Technology

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