Clifton blues Clifton blues Affordable Art 81554
Vivian Gottlieb - Clifton blues | Landscape Art World Art
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Vivian Gottlieb - "Clifton blues"

"Clifton blues"

Clifton blues
Mixed Media, US$ 636

Clifton blues

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Mixed Media

W: 730mm x H: 530mm x D: 1mm
W: 29" x H: 21" x D:

Approx. Weight: 0.01kg

This work is unframed


US$ 636


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Vivian Gottlieb

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View all 21 works by Vivian Gottlieb

About Vivian

Vivian Gottlieb

Vivian Gottlieb When I was five years old I went to school and sat furiously drawing in my scribbler. Mary, sitting next to me, looked over my shoulder and asked me to draw the naked lady in her book also. I duly complied. The next day there appeared a huge woman filling the doorway, purple with rage and pointing a quivering finger to me she screamed, Child of the devil, I order you to be removed! Our kindly principal (Miss Goodchild) removed Mary and told me to forget the incident. I never have and that was the beginning of my art career! I studied art at the University of Cape Town from 1957 to 1961 and then taught art privately and conducted seminars at various centers in the Western Cape and in Boston, USA until 2000. From 1970 to 2000 I held various Invitation Exhibitions in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Kimberley, Zurich, Paarl, Knysna, East London, Lowell University USA, London, Somerset West, Boston USA, Alberton, Sydney Australia and Tampa, Florida USA. My painting continues in my favourite medium, watercolours in my studio at the bottom of my garden in Constantia, Cape Town. I also teach a small group of dedicated painters and use the finest paper, Arches Aquarelle and artist's finest Windsor & Newton paints which will outlive you and me by at least 300 years. Enjoy! 3 Shall cross Road, Constantia 7806, Cape Town.

Price Range

US$ 109-909



Cape Town, Somerset West, Paarl, Knysna, East London, Kimberley, Johannesburg, London, Boston USA, Tampa Florida USA, Sydney Australia


D.A. Art and Graphic Design (UCT)

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