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World Art

Table Mountain
Table Mountain
by Brian Stewart
by Tanith Jansen van Rensburg

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In our online gallery we have a wide variety of world art including paintings in acrylic, oils and watercolor as well as sculptures and photographs. The items of art for sale on our website are all reasonably priced so why not have a look through our varied selection of world art today, you may find a piece that catches your eye.

The Diversity Of World Art

A major influence on any artist regardless of the type of art they create is the region of the world they are originally from or currently living in. Geographical features, weather conditions, local people and their heritage all have a bearing of the type and style of art that is produced.

The art created on the continent of Africa is as varied as the different cultures that live there. The oldest pieces of art known to have been produced in Africa are some carvings from Niger which are estimated to be over 6,000 years old.

African dancing is a form of art unique to the area, especially the dances from Central and Southern Africa which are unlike any found in the rest of the world. These dances are performed to traditional African music which is another great art form originating in this region. African music has influenced many other types of music around the world including jazz, blues and reggae. Also the complicated choral singing from South Africa is well known for it's beauty all over the globe.

Music, art and literature from the continent of Asia also have a prominent position in world art. Music from this region can be composed using the pentatonic scale and the 12 tone scale and for percussion gongs and cymbals are the instruments of choice.

An interesting form of literature that emerged out of Japan is the haiku style of poem. These poems are constructed using three lines, the first and last line have five syllables and the central line is longer with seven.

The origins of modern Latin American art stem from European nations like France and Spain due to their heavy influence in this area. However, artists from this region have given their works of art a Latin flavour making it noticeably different.

Some very successful world artists in the field of literature have hailed from Central and Southern America. An author from Columbia called Gabriel Garc�a M�rquez won the Nobel Prize for literature for his well known novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. Other famous Latin authors include Jorge Luis Borges from Argentina and Brazilian Jo�o Guimar�es Rosa.

Please contact us if you have any questions about purchasing one of the pieces of world art on offer in our online gallery.