Diadem Female
Diadem Female
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W: 90mm x H: 110mm
W: 4" x H: 4"
This work is
US$ 62
About "Diadem Female"
Butterflies of Southern Africa can be ordered
Cream mount included ~Finished size : 25cm x 27cm My Butterflies are Insects in Wedding Gowns, their colours have always inspired me to paint them. I breed Butterflies in my garden and have dedicated a certain area to them by planting all the Indigenous plants they visit for breeding and feeding.
I have a wonderful Butterfly Collection I paint from, and recently travel round Zimbabwe photographing them rather than collecting. I'm well known in Zimbabwe for my Butterfly paintings and many Butterfly lovers all over the world have my paintings in their art collection.
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About Sue
Born in Zimbabwe, Sues artistic talent has been a well kept secret because after winning the 1984 Matric Art Prize at Port Shepstone High School in South Africa, she gave up her art to pursue a career in Accounting. Whilst working for a Safari Company in Zimbabwe, specialising in Birding Tours, Sues artistic talent was rekindled as she illustrated the Companys Birding Magazine.Sues full-time painting career began in 1998 and her paintings are already gracing homes in Australia, America, Europe and United Arab Emirates and bird enthusiasts treasure the life-like forms and composition of Sues portraits. Sues love of birds and animals is magnificently expressed through her work and her knowledge has continued to develop through the many trips she takes throughout Zimbabwe. Sue was inspired by other artists such as Lindsay Handyside and the Late Ian Henderson. She has also spent time helping at an Endangered Animal Sanctuary in Harare. The hallmark of her work is the delicate brushstrokes and use of colour which unerringly reflect her intense attention to detail as Sue specialises in Watercolours, Oils, Gouache and most recently, Wildlife and Pet portraits in Pastels. I can paint any Southern African Butterfly or Bird on a commission basis. I have recently started painting pet portraits in Pastels on commission and was featured in the new ZimArtist magazine in the Spring edition 2013 - "Pets On Parade". In 2014 Sue has started painting Landscapes of Zimbabwe in Watercolours. Top clients include Patrick Mavros, Mr M Kruger and John Varty. Im currently based in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Price Range
US$ 62-502
Main Exhibitions :
1998 - 22nd International Ornithological Congress –SOUTH AFRICA: Nedbank Art Exhibition held at International Convention Centre in Durban, South Africa: Group Bird Art Exhibition with artists from Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia. Organised by Birdlife South Africa in conjunction with the Everard Read Gallery, Johannesburg.
1999 - The Gallery Innerspace, Harare – “Wildlife Art” Group Exhibition.
2000 - Birdlife Zimbabwe, Fund Raising Evening – Astra Park – Borrowdale, Art Auction And Exhibition.
2000 - The Watercolour Café – Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA – Zimbabwe Artists Exhibition.
2001 - Paintings on exhibit at “Nevill Gallery”, Canterbury, ENGLAND.
2003 - Art with a Heart – Group Exhibition – British High Commission and Island Hospice, Harare.
2003 - Painting for Mr M Kruger – MK Airlines - ENGLAND 2003 - Tiger Fish Painting for auction at the Kariba International Tiger Fishing Tournament 2003.
2004 - Group Exhibition – “ Wildlife Exhibition “ – The Studio Gallery and Wildlife Environment of Zimbabwe – Harare.
2004 - Group Wildlife Exhibition – Richard Rennie Gallery – Harare.
2004 - Painting purchased from Richard Rennie by Investment Company and Presented to President of Zimbabwe at Agricultural Show.
2005 - Royal Thames Yacht Club – London, ENGLAND. Group Exhibition – In aid of Pensioners in Zimbabwe.
2005 - “Memories Exhibition – Shropshire, ENGLAND. Group Exhibition – Artists from Africa and Europe. – In aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.Sue sold all her works.
2005 Art Auction – Harare – Annual Round table Event Harare.
2006 - Royal Thames Yacht Club – London, ENGLAND. Group Exhibition for Pensioners in Zimbabwe
2007 - European Union Exhibition in Conjunction with National Art Gallery of Zimbabwe. – “Wild Heritage Exhibition “ – Group Exhibition. –Zimbabwe.
2008 - Verandah Gallery – Harare. Group Exhibition
2009 to 2013 - Verandah Gallery. Group Exhibition.
2013 - Featured in the New Zimartist Magazine Spring edition 2013 - "Pets on Parade" by Sue Bell.
2014 - Sets of Butterflies painted for Patrick Mavros.
2015 - Commission from John Varty to paint one of his Tigers.
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