Elephants on the Sabi Elephants on the Sabi Affordable Art 30270
Paul Livesey - Elephants on the Sabi | Contemporary Art
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Paul Livesey - "Elephants on the Sabi"

"Elephants on the Sabi"

Elephants on the Sabi
Acrylic, US$ 909

Elephants on the Sabi

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W: 1100mm x H: 530mm x D: 50mm
W: 43" x H: 21" x D: 2"

Approx. Weight: 2kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 909


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About "Elephants on the Sabi"

Whenever I go to the Kruger park I never fail to come across a herd of Jumbo at the local waterhole. It's not often thought hat one comes across large bulls tuskers. I was inspired by the sheer menace of such a great bull. Anyone who has been approached by a large elephant knows the exhilerating thrill of being in the presence of danger

Paul Livesey

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About Paul

Paul Livesey

Trained as a commercial artist in Salisbury Zimbabwe in the very early 1970's. Over 20 years spent in advertising and design in South Africa as an art director. Currently run my own design studio in Durban and intend moving into art and illustration professionally within the next few years. I am passionate about the unique wildlife and natural beauty of South Africa which inspires me to paint.

Price Range

US$ 454-909



Art in the Park PMB May 2008.

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