Entangled Entangled Affordable Art 105286
Sarah Cohen-Schwarz - Entangled | Contemporary Art
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Sarah Cohen-Schwarz - "Entangled"


Mixed Media, US$ 136


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Mixed Media

W: 640mm x H: 590mm x D: 170mm
W: 25" x H: 23" x D: 7"

Approx. Weight: 2kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 136


Person Thumbnail



About "Entangled"

In this image I was exploring the experience of being entailed with our emotions. Sometimes our emotions hold us captive and we wish for freedom from them.

Sarah Cohen-Schwarz

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About Sarah

Sarah Cohen-Schwarz

As a professional psychological counsellor, I work extensively with people's family narratives and their emotions. I know how deeply these experiences impact our lives.

We could choose a myriad of lives to live. I am often surprised by the rules we choose to live by and how firmly entrenched yet arbitrary they are. Your desires may wish you into the life of an adventurer, choosing to risk your security in favour of diverse experience. But maybe your family was deeply affected by one of the world wars and has emphasised the necessity of safety. Perhaps this narrative has become so deeply entrenched in your family that the adventurer within you is consigned to the closet of fantasy. Perhaps it is the other way around.

I am deeply fascinated by this aspect of human psychology. I think I often choose images which either represent how I have been caught in my inherited family or social values, or those which explore an alternative reality.

Sometimes I move away from this topic, but never away from my interest in psychological experience, I explore images that express emotional life... joy, abandonment, longing and so on ...

Price Range

US$ 136-545


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