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6 Works

"Chef on a Bicycle"
View Large Image Acrylic:  W: 300mm x  H: 420mm x  D: 2mm

Chef on a Bicycle
by Rosemary Girardi
US$ 81

"Lime Cooking Feast - 4 Set"
View Large Image Acrylic on Board:  W: 235mm x  H: 235mm x  D: 3mm

Lime Cooking Feast - 4 Set
by Lydia Ehlers
US$ 158 150

"Raising the Baa"
View Large Image Mixed Media:  W: 400mm x  H: 400mm x  D: 15mm

Raising the Baa
by Ann Gadd
US$ 122

"Short Street Bistro Magic"
View Large Image Oil on Canvas:  W: 750mm x  H: 550mm x  D: 40mm

Short Street Bistro Magic
by Ita Froneman
US$ 117 SOLD

"The Thirsty Waiter "
View Large Image Oil:  W: 300mm x  H: 420mm x  D: 3mm

The Thirsty Waiter
by Rosemary Girardi

"Proudly SA"
View Large Image Acrylic on Canvas:  W: 205mm x  H: 205mm x  D: 35mm

Proudly SA
by Mariza Schreuder
US$ 135 SOLD