Garden of Eve Garden of Eve Affordable Art 25597
Vaun Cornell - Garden of Eve | Abstract Art Art Painting
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Vaun Cornell - "Garden of Eve"

"Garden of Eve"

Garden of Eve
Mixed Media, US$ 137

Garden of Eve

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Mixed Media

W: 560mm x H: 710mm x D: 20mm
W: 22" x H: 28" x D: 1"

This work is unframed


US$ 137


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About "Garden of Eve"

I began painting this in a burst of anger at women's lot - and then the green took over and calmed me down, and I added the glitter to make my garden sparkle

Vaun Cornell

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View all 14 works by Vaun Cornell

About Vaun

Vaun Cornell

Vaun Veronica Cornell
In 2001, I moved to a house on the slopes of Devil[0x1]s Peak mountain overlooking Cape Town, South Africa. From my stoep I enjoy a panoramic view of the sunrise, the sky and the city [0x1] and a partial view of the sunset, the sea and the harbour.

When I began painting I was lost in a place of wordless pain. Putting brush and hands to board and canvas, dancing with the light, I found my way home. Painting has shown me the magic in life again [0x1]

[0x1]God makes everything beautiful in time[0x1]
Watch this space .... to see the world through my eyes. I set my paintings free - inspired by nature, passion, colours, my view, the ever-changing sky and light, candles, reflections, glitter, sequins, sea, season, the moon, the stars, sunrise, sunset, my mood ...

Price Range

US$ 109-364



'Hier en Nou' - 2 works on exhibition by Catharina Meyer, Dec 2006
'the gathering' - solo exhibition, Victoria Junction Hotel Friday 3 August 2007
'warriors of the heart' - solo exhibition, April 2008


self-taught artist, children's author, writer

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