Girls Playing in the Sea Girls Playing in the Sea Affordable Art 37679
Lizette Engelbrecht - Girls Playing in the Sea | Traditional Art Art Painting
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Lizette Engelbrecht - "Girls Playing in the Sea"

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"Girls Playing in the Sea"

Girls Playing in the Sea
Oil, US$ 137

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Girls Playing in the Sea

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W: 400mm x H: 300mm
W: 16" x H: 12"

Approx. Weight: 2kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 137


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Lizette Engelbrecht

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View all 48 works by Lizette Engelbrecht

About Lizette

Lizette Engelbrecht

After her studies at Potchefstroom University, Lizette became a teacher for a few years, after which she started with a family and decided to be a full-time mother and housewife. Although she was always interested in art and loved drawing flowers,figures and particularly children, it was only after her children left home for tertiary education that she took up art classes. She attended private art classes of Carel Mare, Anita Grobler and Christa Myburgh and loved every moment. She prefers oil as a painting medium and loves using warm colours and expressing emotions through her paintings. Her love of nature, animals and her life as a dedicated family person is reflected in her art. She feels that a lifetime is not enough for painting all the pictures she still wants to do!

Price Range

US$ 56-501



Several successful group exhibitions in Mpumalanga.


B.A., HED ( Potchefstroom University )

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