Going Nowhere, Slowly
Acrylic on Canvas,
Going Nowhere, Slowly
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Acrylic on Canvas
W: 400mm x H: 300mm
W: 16" x H: 12"
This work is
framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)
US$ 1,184
About "Going Nowhere, Slowly"
Beautifully silver Framed ready to hang Frame size 21.5" x 17" (About 55cm x 44cm)
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View all 2 works by Martin Leslie Layton
About Martin Leslie
Martin liked to call his work "Dimensionism". He enjoyed taking the Unknown and placing it in the known, the unfamiliar with the familiar, and visa versa. The object was to make you think and even at times to confuse the mind. People like to call his work Realistic Surrealism, but he preferred the Realistic Dimensionism as he took objects, etc. and moved them from one dimension to another. His work is not that of the subconscious mind or dreamlike state. The work is there to not only confuse but to make one think. Although most of his work has a theme, you are welcome to interpret his works for yourself as well. As one enthusiastic collector of his works says "if it tickles your eye and makes you think then it is meant for you"
Price Range
US$ 1,184-1,184
Two exhibitions in East London and one in King William's Town, One at Cuyler Street Art Gallery, Port Elizabeth. Exhibition at The Sandals, St Francis Bay. March/April 2002, Cape Gallery Cape Town. Featured artist in May/June 2002 issue of the Habitat magazine. Exhibited at New York Art Expo Feb/Mar 2003. Two exhibitions held at the Muschel Art Gallery in Swakopmund, Namibia during Easter 2004 and Easter 2005. Private exhibition held at Christmas in Port Elizabeth 2004 and Exhibition held at the Cape Gallery, Cape Town, January 2005. Participated in various other multi-artist exhibitions during 2005 at the Cuyler Street Art Gallery, Cape Gallery, Cape Town and Rick Becker Gallery in Port Elizabeth.
Muir College, Uitenhage, Russell Road Technical College - art
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