Heat, Dust and Dreams Heat, Dust and Dreams Affordable Art 85257
Ivan Vicente - Heat, Dust and Dreams | Animals & Wildlife Art Art Painting
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Ivan Vicente - "Heat, Dust and Dreams"

"Heat, Dust and Dreams"

Heat, Dust and Dreams
Print, US$ 85

Heat, Dust and Dreams

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W: 300mm x H: 450mm x D: 1mm
W: 12" x H: 18" x D:

This work is unframed


US$ 85


Person Thumbnail

About "Heat, Dust and Dreams"

Elephants will let you know if you stray too close to their personal space, here a young elephant in the dusty Namib region, displays a warning by lifting her head and flaring her ears in a display aimed and encouraging the trespasser to move away. Serious threats or charges are recognised when an elephant has its trunk rolled up and ears flared as the rolled up trunk is used to squash the intruder.

Ivan Vicente

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About Ivan

Ivan Vicente

I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and spent the early years of my life in Mozambique and subsequently moved to South Africa. I spent my childhood growing up on farms and living with nature which resulted in a strong bond with Africa, its wildlife and people.

I am passionate about spending as much time as I can in the bush, away from cities, in the wilderness areas of Southern Africa. When I began painting professionally it seemed only natural for me to turn my artistic talents towards Africa.

I am based in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and first began painting professionally in 1994. I work mainly in oils on canvas, though I do work in other mediums such as acrylics, pencil sketching as well as doing digital artworks. While my subject matter varies greatly I centre my work on Africa. I have travelled to many countries, absorbing the culture and natural beauty of Africa including Angola, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Botswana.

I have also spent several years living and working throughout Northern and Southern Mozambique.

I regularly visit many of the local South African game reserves to photograph the various animals that call this country home and mainly use my own photographic material as references for my artwork.

My artwork is mostly sold privately and can be seen displayed in game lodges, corporations and in homes of collectors around the world including the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, England, Portugal and more locally in Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and of course South Africa.

My paintings, Digital artworks and prints are available on commission. Prints are also available in smaller sizes on request.

Price Range

US$ 79-173



Self-taught artist.

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