Horn Mask
Mixed Media,
Horn Mask
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Mixed Media
paper mache, fabric flowers, pratley putty, string, spray paint
W: 800mm x H: 900mm x D: 300mm
W: 31" x H: 35" x D: 12"
Approx. Weight: 0.5kg
This work is
US$ 273
About "Horn Mask"
Always inteterested in performance images I created this for one of my DJ reunion gigs at Intensity Night Club, Bothas Hill. There were many technical problems creating this mask: it is completley hollow and it is very large. The ridges were made by winding thick string around the tube of the horn, and then overplastering with paper mache. White sparay paint and dashes of blue and yellow completed the impression. The pink roses were sprayed with white paint giving them that 'frozen ceramic' look. I had initially intended to use theatre glue to paste the horns individually directly onto my head. However the glue proved too weak to sustain application. Through trial and error I reverted to a more conventional solution: to join the masks centrally, add an elastic connection at the back, and adorn the base of the horns with fabric roses which I made myself. ;-)
The ibex was venerated as being the symbol of agility and power. Its agility and capacity to climb the highest peaks was considered to be related to some super-power not existing in humans. Because as one climbs the high mountainous regions the air becomes thinner and oxygen concentration reduces. It becomes more and more difficult to breathe on these high mountains. But the ibex has no such problem. It can jump from rock to rock without any difficulty and climb the highest peaks. This special power was probably one main reason for venerating the ibex as a sacred animal. Another important reason for venerating the ibex was its capacity to approach the sun.
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View all 70 works by Helge Olle Janssen
About Helge Olle
Photographer: Gerald Botha of Stella Nova Studios, Kloof, KZN 2016
Costume design and construction, make-up, concept: Helge Janssen.
The period of disaster has lifted. PRICE of works has been updated.
My art is formed through a combination of myth, psyche, archetype and innovation drawn from life's many many influences...and has even amazed me with its portent...drawn from a deeply intuitive cognitive consciousness. We have so much more information as our source of inspiration amid a myriad of vying energies.
With the current madness and orchestrated insanity busy bombing our minds daily, with full intention to DISORIENTATE, OBFUSCATE and DEMORALISE our lives, we have to stand strong and focused.
It is more important than ever that these moronic forces that are hell bent on subjugating the world to its morass of dubious and despicable control mechanisms by robbing us of our sovereignty are defeated. It is a GIVEN that their plans are so DELUDED that they will never succeed. The mere fact that they even THINK that their plan will succeed is alarming enough. It has FAILURE built into it. What it boils down to is that they are trying to take as many people as they can with them. It is THEIR end game. It is THEIR fear. It is THEIR stupidity.
And of course being shadow banned as an artist is shameful. But the more I am ignored, hidden, the more powerful my work becomes. It is a given. Thank you in advance.
LATEST UPDATE: FB has ripped me apart! They have deleted all of my platforms for violating 'instagram's community standards. I had tried to remove myself from instagram a few years ago but my efforts failed....so I clean forgot about it. However, I became aware that when I post to my art pages that the post is also shared to instagram. FB does not tell me exactly what it is that I have done that constitutes this drastic response. When I follow the links to 'appeal' I am sent a 'verification' code that will allow me to make an appeal, but when I enter the verification code and require my ORIGINAL password, it keeps telling me that I have entered the wrong password. When I type in my phone number (another option) it tells me that no such number exists. I am told that I have 179 days within which to lodge an appeal. That boils down to a six month ban/...and, in the mean time a 'discreetly blatant' form of CREATIVE ASSASSINATION!!
When artists are made to feel that they have as much significance as another brick in the wall......KNOW that society has been completely INVERTED.
Price Range
US$ 56-12,724
too numerous to mention but held a RETROSPECTIVE of nine paintings on an invite from artist/filmmaker Aryan Kaganof at his VIRGINS exhibition at the KZNSA art gallery 2002. I also performed a solo experimental piece, plus showcased some fashion garments at the opening.
Also a solo show at Chilliplum restaurant, Hillcrest 2013.
"The mechanism whereby change happens in a democracy is to speak out. And if nobody listens, then to speak louder" - David Lewis.
Natal Teachers' Senior Diploma III (Botany and Zoology)
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