Kalahari Books Kalahari Books Affordable Art 115741
Tim Quirke - Kalahari Books | Genre Art Art Painting
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Tim Quirke - "Kalahari Books"

"Kalahari Books"

Kalahari Books
Mixed Media, US$ 1,140

Kalahari Books

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Mixed Media
Oil on treated paper laid sown on archival board

W: 920mm x H: 720mm x D: 65mm
W: 36" x H: 28" x D: 3"

Approx. Weight: 8kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 1,140


Person Thumbnail


kalahari Books

About "Kalahari Books"

Kalahari Books was one of a series of pictures I made about parts of Johannesburg which stirred my sense of nostalgia.
There was an old Johannesburg charm about the bookshop, and it was run on the eccentric flair and determination of it's owner, and the stubborn strength of character of it's workers. It contained a huge diversity of material, whose contents ranged from hardcover classics, some going mouldy, to motor car manuals, critical literature, marvel comics, to ancient cookbooks.
I drew and painted it mainly in the bookshop. The two foremost portraits were completed during sittings by Jack and Arthur. Richard, the owner, leaning against the blue rack, was added in later from a picture I took, and the ghosts of Verlaine and Rimbaud after that. For me those presences stood for the intensity of the silent discordant whisper of millions of texts there, and the reality of all those histories, still living under the roof of Kalahari Books.
Photocopies of George Washington, Karl Marx and William Shakespear are 'tacked onto' shelves and surfaces.
It was drawn first in charcoal pencil. Oil paint was laid in first with thin stains, then thicker body paint in the portraits and a few other areas. The paper surface was treated first with inorganic archival ground.

Tim Quirke

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About Tim

I love drawing. I'm inspired by a lot of contemporary, and traditional painting, graphic, and 3 dimensional work.

I like to work from life, but also use other references.

I work in oil, pastel, water colour and douche. I also like most dry media.

I do printmaking.

Price Range

US$ 730-1,140



I've exhibited in Kwa-Zulu Natal at the Tatham Gallery Pietermaritzburg, Market Theatre Johannesburg. I exhibited at The Aesthete Gallery Hamilton New Zealand for five years running,
I've exhibited in private venues in Johannesburg, Hout Bay, Pietermaritzburg.


Nat. Dip. Fine Art And Design.

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