Lavender Field Lavender Field Affordable Art 84793
Ben van Eck Hammann - Lavender Field | Contemporary Art
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Ben van Eck Hammann - "Lavender Field"

"Lavender Field"

Lavender Field
Other, US$ 78

Lavender Field

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W: 600mm x H: 300mm x D: 20mm
W: 24" x H: 12" x D: 1"

Approx. Weight: 1.2kg

This work is unframed


US$ 78


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About "Lavender Field"

I was inspired by nature's amazing beauty,the freshness and new season,the tranquility of the landscape,dotted by a few whitewashed buildings.I also enjoyed painting the sky and cloud and felt so at one with this I could sense walking through this field singing a song or whisteling a tune while enjoying the fragrance of the lavender and admiring this huge cloud formation in the sky.

Ben van Eck Hammann

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View all 12 works by Ben van Eck Hammann

About Ben van Eck

Ben van Eck Hammann

I'm inspired by colour, spaces, contrasts, in nature, in patterns and shapes and sizes. I enjoy the natural elements,the seasons and nature itself. I love sunrises and sunsets and wide open spaces,fields and the countryside. I want to tell the world that there is hope and love in abundance if we open our eyes and ears and hearts to receive it. I have been enjoying painting and drawing pictures even from before school and once got a hiding as a kid from my dad for drawing pictures on the kitchen wall tiles with a blue marker.

Price Range

US$ 54-87



McPherson's Garden Center,October 2011
Group exhibition - "Darling Going Green" The'Marmalade Cat,Main Rd.Darling,Western Cape 31 Aug to 31 October 2013
'Brigs Restaurant,Main Rd Darling,Western Cape - 6 December to 23 December 2013) Group exhibition "Quilt of Portraits" Darling Gallery, Aug to October 2014
Two artists exhibition "Darling cars, faces and places" Darling Gallery - 28 Nov to 28 Dec 2014
Group Exhibition - Yzerfontein Festival - Yzerfontein Gallery -30 Dec 2014 - 5 Jan 2015


Diploma Advertising Art Design,Fine Art Course/Leonie E.Brown

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