Lost in a Sea of Dreams
Oil on Canvas,
Lost in a Sea of Dreams
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Oil on Canvas
W: 355mm x H: 455mm x D: 10mm
W: 14" x H: 18" x D:
This work is
US$ 182
Personal Collection
About "Lost in a Sea of Dreams "
I had lost all my inspiration when this image of a stormy sea and a war ship and this is how I got the inspiration for this painiting. I got so inspired that the painting was completed within 3 hours. I love the feeling and emotion in this piece and it would look great in any room.
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View all 7 works by Sonette van der Merwe
About Sonette
I am a young, aspiring artist residing in Benoni. I have had a passion for art for as long as I remember, and I believe that art is the gateway to your imagination.
I have been fortunate enough to share my talent with young artists, in helping them discover their true talent. I am a part-time artist and a part-time art teacher. I love working with people and I love working with different styles, mediums and subject matter. I have done a variety of events from weddings to workshops.
I do not have a fixed subject matter that I focus on but I do enjoy animals and expressive cityscapes. My main inspiration comes from talented artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and of course the amazingly talented Leonid Afremov.
I believe in channeling my creative urges in order to produce unique artworks.
My inspiration for my work is the miracle of life. As my slogan states "Le fantasie e la natura che mi circondano, creano la mia arte" which roughly translates to the fantasies and nature that surrounds me, create my art. I slogan I strongly believe in and live by. Sonette van der Merwe Art is born out of a combination of my education, training, and experience, which allows my perspective as an artist to remain traditional yet contemporary. Art is how I battle against the indifference of humans and offer new ways of viewing the world.
This is my story, welcome to my artistic journey.
Price Range
US$ 95-1,820
Art alive annual exhibition 2014 Art alive annual exhibition 2015 Art alive annual exhibition 2016 Art alive annual exhibition 2017 Art alive annual exhibition 2018 Art alive annual exhibition 2019
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