Memories of Lavender Memories of Lavender Affordable Art 52253
Megan Hobson - Memories of Lavender | Abstract Art Original Art
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Megan Hobson - "Memories of Lavender"

"Memories of Lavender"

Memories of Lavender
Acrylic, US$ 727

Memories of Lavender

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W: 1010mm x H: 1220mm
W: 40" x H: 48"

This work is unframed


US$ 727


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About "Memories of Lavender"

I had always had this urgency to splash paint onto a canvas to create an art masterpiece. With this in mind, it can be easily said that Jackson Pollock was my main influence in this artwork I created. I have always had an interest in his work ‘Lavender Mist’.

I wanted to create my own Lavender Mist, but with a different aspect. I wanted it to literally be lavender mist, where lavender would be seen and portrayed, as well as the action painting technique. I used subtle colours for my background like lilac, light blue, cream, a light olive green and white. On top of this was an enlarged lavender bunch and smaller bunches showing their shape and detail. Playing with the original artwork Lavender Mist and creating my own. I wouldn’t call this copying, but more subtracting and creating your own. Being able to do this is unique and the way many artists are influenced. Creating this piece forced me to be both adventurous and daring, which I enjoyed and I would like to create another work of this similar manner.

Megan Hobson

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About Megan

Creating art is part of my life where I feel I can be myself and go into my own space. I like to think of Modou Dieng's statement as one I would say could be my own, that "art is my refuge and ideal home".

Price Range

US$ 84-954



self taught

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