Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl Affordable Art 115462
Rina Ellis - Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl | Contemporary Art
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Rina Ellis - "Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl"

"Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl"

Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl
Acrylic on Board, US$ 182

Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl

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Acrylic on Board

W: 300mm x H: 300mm
W: 12" x H: 12"

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 182


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About "Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl"

Step into a garden frozen in time with "Nasturtiums in Glass Bowl." This stunning painting captures the essence of a sun-drenched paradise, where vibrant Nasturtiums burst forth in a riot of color and vitality.

The focal point of the painting is a glass bowl, delicately holding a profusion of Nasturtium blooms. Each petal is a masterpiece of detail, with colours ranging from fiery oranges to sunny yellows, and every leaf is a study in verdant green. The glass bowl itself is a marvel of transparency, reflecting the flowers with a clarity that is almost surreal.

This painting is more than just a piece of art--it's a window into a world where summer never ends, where flowers bloom eternally. Hang it in your home and bring a touch of eternal summer to your life, no matter what the season.

Rina Ellis

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View all 9 works by Rina Ellis

Price Range

US$ 109-319


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