Portrait of Helene Zille Portrait of Helene Zille Affordable Art 85754
Roger Bomponge - Portrait of Helene Zille | Portrait Art World Art
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Roger Bomponge - "Portrait of Helene Zille"

"Portrait of Helene Zille"

Portrait of Helene Zille
Oil, US$ 1,095

Portrait of Helene Zille

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W: 800mm x H: 1200mm x D: 20mm
W: 31" x H: 47" x D: 1"

Approx. Weight: 5.5kg

This work is framed (but can be supplied either framed or unframed)


US$ 1,095


Person Thumbnail

About "Portrait of Helene Zille"

This painting has three main features: the person of Helene Zille, the seat and the mountain. Symbolically, the mountain represents Divine Power. The Seat of Power reveals the character of the person sitting on it, whilst the person sitting on the Seat of power defines the nature of that power. On this painting, the artist has portrayed Premier Helene Zille's seat of power as the one backed by Divine Power.

Roger Bomponge

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About Roger

Roger Bomponge

Apart from my financial background (Honours in Business Management) and the writing experience (published author of three books), I am also blessed with the powerful gift of art. For me, the art of drawing and painting is an inborn gift, I never went to school to study it. I simply express my sense of creativity by engaging and drawing art lovers' sensibilities towards the consideration of finer artworks.

Price Range

US$ 1,095-2,920


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